Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Beauty in the Words not the Tone

Have you ever heard "It's not what you say, it's how you say it"? This little saying is quite applicable in so much of our lives. How we talk to people we know, strangers, loved ones, children, parents... on and on it goes. But when it comes to worship, and the songs we sing to the Lord; often we are focused on how we sing, and not what we are singing.

Truly the words are precious in the hymns that have been penned from hundreds of years ago, even into modern day. On Sunday mornings if you'll stop singing long enough to listen to what you are singing; you may find yourself with uncontrollable tears in your eyes. You may find yourself amazed at God's love. You may even find yourself praying. So with this thought in mind, I would like to share one of my favorite hymns - and prayerfully its words will soak inside us.

Set My Soul Afire

1 - Set my soul afire Lord, for Thy Holy Word, Burn it deep within me, let Thy voice be heard
Millions grope in darkness in this day and hour, I will be a witness, fill me with Thy pow'r

Set my soul afire Lord, set my soul afire.
Make my life a witness of Thy saving pow'r. Millions grope in darkness, waiting for Thy Word. Set my soul afire, Lord, set my soul afire!

2 - Set my soul afire, Lord, for the lost in sin, Give to me a passion as I seek to win; Help me not to falter never let me fail, Fill me with Thy Spirit, let Thy will prevail.

3 - Set my soul afire, Lord, in my daily life. Far too long I've wandered in this day of strife; Nothing else will matter but to live for Thee, I will be a witness for Christ lives in me.

May this not only be a song for us, but a prayer from our hearts.

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