Monday, June 7, 2010


What do we think of when we hear or think of the word "addicted"? Most of us probably think of something negative - and for the most part, we are right. Addictions to many awful and sinful substances rule and destroy lives; however, Scripture uses the word only once:

1 Corinthians 16:15
I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,)

I thought of this verse because over the last several months I have had the privilege of teaching the Way of the Master basic and intermediate courses at my church and one of the participants, Melanie Betts, shared this testimony yesterday at church with the congregation (I don't know how to upload the audio so here is the link to the Church's sermon archive - click "June 2010", then "a brother behind the scenes", then "Melanie Betts Testimony").

If only we all sought to be addicted to the ministry of the saints. Thank you Melanie.


  1. Wow, that was awesome! I noticed that the church sermon site looked remarkably familiar - just like ours. Then I noticed that it's an Evangelical Free church. I go to an E-Free church in Phoenix.

    I'm listening to some of the sermons now.

    It's awesome that you could teach the WOTM class there, I'm still working on getting it into my church, but no luck so far. A friend of mine puts on the WOTM one day Crash Course at a local restaurant here every month, so I've just been helping out with that for now.

    Pray for more workers in the harvest field!

    Luke 10:2 ><((('>

  2. Thanks for the comment, and yes praying for more workers in the harvest field! I just asked if I could teach an evangelism class (there was none being taught) and the OK was pretty easy.


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